At Woof n' Waggle, our mission is to unleash the joy and potential of every doggo that waggles through our doors. We're dedicated to providing a safe, stimulating, and supportive environment where your furry family members can flourish both physically and mentally.

Our passion for pups drives us to offer top-notch care, enriching activities, and a community feel that welcomes all dogs and their owners. Whether it’s through tail-wagging play sessions, thoughtful training, or comforting cuddles, we aim to ensure every day is filled with happiness and growth for your beloved companions.


Aoife, the heart and soul behind Woof n’ Waggle, traces her passion for dogs back to her roots in Ireland. Always surrounded by her beloved family dogs growing up, her attachment to dogs  was further fueled by her late grandfather's renowned expertise in training sheepdogs, a legacy celebrated across Ireland and even featured on the popular BBC show "One Man and His Dog."

After moving to Australia and embarking on a career journey through local government and the events industry, Aoife finally followed her heart and pursued her childhood dream of working with dogs. Aoife had a best friend called Ruby (a Staffyr-Kelpie Mix) for almost 11 years. Aoife firmly believes that Ruby entered her life precisely when she needed her most, and their bond was incredible. It was enrolling Ruby into a dog daycare that opened Aoife’s eyes to what the incredible world of daycare can do for a dog if the facility is run correctly and with care. With over 8 years of hands-on experience in the field, her journey led her from starting out working as a dog daycare attendant to co-owning another facility, culminating in the establishment of her very own Woof n’ Waggle. Aoife will be forever grateful to Ruby for leading her down this path and always strives to make her proud.

At Woof n’ Waggle, Aoife's ethos revolves around genuine care and understanding for each and every dog. Aoife will always be the biggest advocate for your pup and ensures her team takes the time to get to know to truly connect with every dog, learning their unique quirks, behaviours, likes, and dislikes. Aoife understands that your dog is more than just a dog and is a valued family member. This is why she does not take the responsibility of looking after other people’s pups lightly and knows what a true honour it is to gain that trust. 

Though her journey hasn’t always been easy, balancing the responsibilities of raising her own two mini humans while nurturing a thriving business, Aoife’s dedication to enriching the lives of dogs and their owners remains unparalleled. Aoife remains steadfast in her mission for herself and her team to become true industry experts ensuring exceptional care for every pup entrusted to Woof n’ Waggle.

Aoife currently owns a lovely mixed breed named Rabbit. She and her partner Jarrad adopted him when he was 18 months old, despite his challenging past of severe mistreatment that left him with a profound fear of men and lacking early socialization. Despite this, Rabbit has become the sweetest and most loving boy, adored especially by Aoife and Jarrad’s children. While he remains selective with other dogs and has a huge tendency for swiping unattended food😂😂😂😂, Aoife is incredibly proud of his transformation and can’t imagine life without him.


  • I’m Darcee, I’ve been working in the daycare industry since 2019 and at Woof n’ Waggle since mid 2023. I’ve always loved dogs more than the average person, and once I found out I could make it my career I didn’t give up until someone gave me an opportunity! I took a liking to the training aspect, getting so much satisfaction when a dog has a breakthrough. Many years later and I’m more in love with my job than ever, and taking the next step to further my career by starting my own dog training business. 

    If I’m not at work you can find me at the gym, the beach, the junior rugby club or anywhere outside in the sunshine and fresh air.


    If you could eat one food for the rest of your life what would it be


    If you could have dinner with a celebrity who would it be? 

    Would have to be Harry Styles to fulfil my inner teen fangirl 

    What’s your favourite quote? 

    Growth and comfort cannot coexist.

  • I have been working at Woof n’ Waggle for 6 months now, gaining knowledge and experience every single day.  I have my certificate 3 in Animal Care, and gained this through Applied Vocational Training where I studied on campus at RSPCA. My goal is to attain my Certificate 4 in Veterinary Nursing in the nearby future. 

    I want to work with dogs because their endless amounts of love, loyalty and companionship bring joy to people’s lives and it is incredibly rewarding to be a part of everyday life. 

    My personal interests include spending valuable time with my animals, and a calming walk or hike in nature.


    What’s your go-to Karaoke song?

    Dancing Queen but the Mamma Mia Version!

    If you could have dinner with a celebrity who would it be?

    Princess Diana

    What’s your favourite quote? 

    “Your pet is just a chapter of your life, but to them you’re their whole book”.

  • I have been working at Woof n’ Waggle since February this year whilst on my Working Holiday Visa. I have always had a love for animals so I also worked at a doggy care & boarding facility back home in Wales. 

    Everyone always says ‘you have the best job in the world’ and they are right, I really do. Working with dogs is not just a hobby it’s a passion and the need to create a positive and loving impact on your dogs makes me emotionally fulfilled. 

    By trade I’m an Interior Designer so in my spare time I love catching up on the latest trends, designing new ideas and sewing. I also love dog sitting and going on long walks on the weekends.


    If you could eat one food for the rest of your life what would it be?

     Mam’s Sunday Roast

    What’s your favourite quote? 

    Life is about the adventures you take and the memories you make

    If you were a dog what breed, what would you be and why?

    I would be a Cocker spaniel because I’m loyal, affectionate and super friendly.

  • Hey  I’m Jami! I’ve been working at Woof n Waggle since August 2023 as a dog groomer . With 8 years of experience, my passion for dog grooming grows every day. I’m also a qualified Veterinary Nurse and cherished my time caring for all kinds of pets, but dog grooming truly holds my heart. I’m currently pursuing dog grooming competitions to further my career. I adore traveling, cooking, solo runs, and being outdoors with my English Staffy x, Indi.

  • I have been working at the doggy daycare since October of 2023. Prior to this I had always had hospitality jobs and wanted a change. What better change than to work with my favourite animals. I was lucky enough for Aoife to take a chance on me regardless of my inexperience and I would like to think that I am doing her proud. I feel like I have learnt so much already about dogs in this short space of time having gained invaluable knowledge from both Aoife and the other staff. 

    Ultimately dogs are better than people and if I can spend my day with them and get paid then that is just an offer I cannot refuse 

    Personal Interests:  I am currently in my final year at uni Studying a Bachelor of Criminology/Justice however a quarter life crisis has led me to want to pursue fashion once I have finished this which is the industry I would ultimately like to end up in. If I’m not with the dogs at work I am spending time with my dogs at home. I love taking them for walks to the park, around the lake, the beach, coastals etc… I also play netball socially twice a week.


    What’s your go-to Karaoke song?

    Anything Beyonce

    What’s your favourite binge worthy show?

    Probably Vampire Diaries

    What’s your favourite quote? 

    "The dog is a gentleman; I hope to go to his heaven not man's."-Mark Twain

  • I'm obsessed with all things animals!

    I have been working at Woof and Waggle now for over 2 years and during that time I have come to love and appreciate my job and all the knowledge it has given me. Our pooches at Woof and Waggle make me want to see their smiling faces each and every day and make spending time with all of them such an honour!

    Before Woof and Waggle, I had dog experience dealing with a dog rescue, working and analysing dog behaviour and helping to rehome the multiple dogs we used to get surrendered to us daily. And as i continue my career with Woof and Waggle I am studying to become a Veterinary Nurse which will only propel my love of animals further into the future.

    Dogs are such intelligent, smart creatures who show us everyday how much love they have to give which makes working with them so rewarding.

    Outside of work, I am still an animal girl through and through, I have riden horses and done Competition Show Jumping since I was 7. My other hobbies also include my personal health journey at the gym and working to improve both my mental and physical health, as well as studying, binge watching my favourite shows and going for hikes with my friends.


    If you could eat one food for the rest of your life what would it be


    What’s your favourite binge worthy show?

    Big Bang Theory

    If you were a dog what breed, what would you be and why?

    Dalmatian as they unique, a little spicy sometimes but are just a softy deep down.

  • 4/5 years dog daycare, 1 year with rescue dogs and dog training. I have worked with woof n waggle since 2019, took a year break to work with rescue dogs and become a trainer. Missed the group of doggies and their owners so had to come back for casual shifts! Aoife and the dogs are like my family so couldn't stay away. Also ran Brain busters initially to work with my fave breeds aka working dogs. Dogs have always been part of my life, I understand them like it’s a second language to me. Could not imagine working a job where dogs weren’t present!  In my personal time I like to read, hang out with my kelpie and staffy, walk other people dogs, go for runs and annoy my partner :)


    If you could eat one food for the rest of your life what would it be


    What’s your favourite quote?

    Line from the poem Two Headed Calf - “and as he stares into the sky, there were twice as many stars as usual”

    If you were a dog what breed, what would you be and why?

    Kelpie - vocal and always wanting to be entertained.